Hypertension (high blood pressure): A known highly prevalent risk for heart disease and cardiovascular complications.It is a established increasing longevity and prevalence of contributing factors such as obesity. The proper management of hypertension cause a decline in the cases of cardiovascular disease and increase and enhance the quality and span of life.
(i). Standard initial monotherapy preferences. (a). Diuretics such as Hydrochlorothiazide. * Secondly used diuretic if not possible first. * Excellent adjunct to other antihypertensives. * Lisinopril and Amlodipine are less effective so they are better. *Decrease risk of Cardio vascular arythemia , Myocardial Infarction, Congestive heart failure comparitive to other agents. (b). Beta Blocker (Propanalol, Atenol etc) (c). Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACE) (c). Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARP) (ii). Reasons compiling for other antihypertensive (a). AntiHypertensives for Specific Comorbid Diseases (b). Antihypertensives for Specific Populations (iii). Avoid the following agents for monotherapy. (a). Alpha blockers (b). Hydralazine (c). Minoxidil (d). Calcium Channel Blockers (iv). Avoid in low compliant patients bcoz of rebound Hypertension. (a). Beta Blockers (b). Clonidine
Digitalis Toxicity and Loop Diuretics
Digitalis Toxicity and Loop Diuretics
Loop diuretics: are diuretics that act on the ascending loop of Henle in
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Loop diuretics act on the ...
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