Categorization: Hypertension in Adults
1. Blood Pressures for Hypertensive Patients
1. Hypertension without Co-morbidity: <140/90
2. Diabetes Mellitus: <130/80
3. Congestive Heart Failure: <130/80
4. Renal Insufficiency: <130/80
5. Renal Failure and >1g Proteinuria/24 hours: <125/75
2. JNC-7 Blood Pressure definitions
1. Optimal Blood Pressure: <115/80
2. Normal Blood Pressure: <120/80
3. Pre-Hypertension: 120-139/80-89
4. Stage 1 Hypertension: 140-159/90-99
5. Stage 2 Hypertension: >160/100
3. Stages eliminated in JNC-7
1. Stage 3 Hypertension: 180-209/110-119
2. Stage 4 Hypertension: >210/120
4. Isolated Systolic Hypertension
1. Systolic Blood Pressure: >140 mmHg
2. Diastolic Blood Pressure: <90 mmHg
Categorization: Hypertension in Adolescents
1. Age 16-18 years
1. Significant Hypertension: BP> 142/92
2. Severe Hypertension: BP> 150/98
2. Age: 13-15 years
1. Significant Hypertension: BP> 136/86
2. Severe Hypertension: BP> 144/92
Categorization: Hypertension in Children
1. Age 10-12 years
1. Significant Hypertension: BP> 126/82
2. Severe Hypertension: BP> 134/90
2. Age 6-9 years
1. Significant Hypertension: BP> 122/78
2. Severe Hypertension: BP> 130/86
3. Age 3-5 years
1. Significant Hypertension: BP> 116/76
2. Severe Hypertension: BP> 124/84
Categorization: Hypertension in Infants (Age <2 years)
1. Significant Hypertension: BP> 112/74
2. Severe Hypertension: BP> 118/82
Categorization: Hypertension in Newborns
1. Age 8-30 days
1. Significant Hypertension: SBP> 104
2. Severe Hypertension: SBP> 110
2. Age <7 day old
1. Significant Hypertension: SBP> 96
2. Severe Hypertension: SBP> 106
Digitalis Toxicity and Loop Diuretics
Digitalis Toxicity and Loop Diuretics
Loop diuretics: are diuretics that act on the ascending loop of Henle in
the kidney.
Loop diuretics act on the ...
15 years ago
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